Team development with Laura Hampson

Could your team achieve more? Could you understand one another better and be more productive?

High performing teams develop when communication is good, trust is high, challenge is open and team members lead from within.

The Hampson Coaching appoach enables you to:

  • Explore why teams fail and what you can do to avoid the pitfalls
  • Learn proven strategies, to unlock everyone’s potential
  • Engage in outcome based activities, that will challenge and develop your team
  • Achieve sustainable improvement in collective performance

This can be delivered through

  • Team Development Away Day
  • A 4 day Leadership Development Programme 
    • Essential and Advanced Leadership Skills
    • Leader as Coach
    • Managing Performance
    • Tranforming Meetings®
    • Creating a Thinking Environment®

Time to Think

Recent feedback:

“We had a truly inspirational team building day with Laura and Stuart.  It was a wonderful way to start our school year and the staff team came back to school energised and full of ideas.  It has really made us think differently about how we work together as a team and how we can develop in the future”.
Matt – Head teacher at The Forest Schools, Derbyshire.

“As a school organisation, we are incredibly thankful to Laura for facilitating two very successful away days for our staff. Our objectives were focused on vision, collaboration, problem solving and resilience, flexible thinking and trust, all of which are essentials for the success of our team. After the disruption caused by the pandemic, these away days are an excellent way to set a positive tone for the new academic year and enhance the effectiveness of our team.”
David – Head teacher at Shobnall Primary school.

Want to to know more about how we can support the development of your high performing team? Simply complete the form below and we’ll get right back to you.